On 3 September 2021, MCF hosted a special gathering with our Special Guest LG(Ret) Winston Choo. He was our first Chief of Defence Force of the Singapore Armed Forces from 1974–1992 and held the rank of Lieutenant-General. He was given the name “Winston” by his grandfather, who named him after Winston Churchill, the famous British Prime Minister during WWII. Amidst the covid pandemic, it was truly a precious time spent together connecting with one another and being encouraged in our faith as fellow Christian Soldiers.
We would like to share the following video highlights from this special gathering in the following sequence:
1. A Great Privilege – LG(Ret) Winston Choo shares his personal testimony of his Christian upbringing, and how God has had an important place in his life.
2. Come Forward – General Winston provides a humble and honest reflection on his combat with cancer, and why he has decided to bring up his children and grandchildren in God’s love.
3. Valuing People –COL (Ret) Rayman Chia moderated the Q&A segment with General Winston, giving opportunity for MCF-ers to dialogue with him. This third video shares his insights on questions regarding servant leadership. He describes this as a Christian value.